Breast Lift
Breast Lift
Breast lift surgery is performed using techniques and principles similar to breast reduction surgery. It only involves changes in the shape of the breast and is applied without reducing the breast tis...
How is Breast Lift Done?
Breast lift surgery is performed using techniques and principles similar to breast reduction surgery. It only involves changes in the shape of the breast and is applied without reducing the breast tissue.

If necessary, the enlarged dark area around the nipple (areola) can also be reduced during surgery.

Surgical techniques may vary depending on the breast type and expected shape. Generally, in cases of first degree sagging, if there is no excess skin, it is possible to lift and enlarge the breast without leaving too much scar by simply placing a breast implant.

In cases of 2nd and 3rd degree sagging, if there is severe volume loss in the breast tissue, it may be necessary to remove excess skin, correct and reshape the breast tissue, and apply a breast implant.
How Long Does Breast Lift Surgery Take?
Breast lift surgery usually takes approximately 1.5-2.5 hours. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on the technique used and the procedure to be performed.
Is Breast Lift Surgery a Painful Procedure?
In the first few days after breast lift surgery, you may have mild pain that can be easily relieved with simple painkillers.
I'm Afraid of Anesthesia, Should I Be Afraid?
General anesthesia is quite safe with current medical knowledge. When some tests recommended by our anesthesiologists are performed on our patients, it becomes easier to detect existing risks and the probability of the process going more smoothly increases. In addition, although it is very rare, the human body may react negatively during anesthesia. In these cases, the importance of performing and having surgery in a fully equipped hospital becomes evident. Equipped hospitals make it easier for us to overcome problems with their experienced physician staff. The night before the surgery, all our patients should not eat or drink anything after 12 at night. This is the most important element for anesthesia to be performed safely. In the meeting held the day before, patients will be told what time they need to be in surgery and hospital. Being in the hospital at this time is very important for the healthy operation of the surgery process.
Does Smoking Cause Problems?
The negative effects of smoking on wound healing have been proven by many studies today. In all types of plastic surgery, quitting smoking three weeks before the surgery and not smoking for two weeks after the surgery will greatly increase the likelihood of better wound healing.
Anesthesia Type
Breast lift surgery is performed by aesthetic and plastic surgeons under operating room conditions and under general anesthesia administered by an anesthesiologist.
Who Can Have Breast Lift Surgery?
Mostly, people who have shrunken or softened breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding, people with loss and sagging of breast tissue due to aging, and people who suddenly lose excessive weight prefer this surgery.
Things to Consider Before Surgery
First of all, you should discuss your expectations from the surgery, the surgery method and possible problems in detail with your plastic surgeon.

You should tell your doctor if you have any condition such as hereditary breast disease or cancer and if you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs.

If you are under 40, you will also be asked to have a breast ultrasound, and if you are over 40, you will also be asked to have a mammogram.

It is very important that you do not smoke before and after breast lift surgery. Smoking can disrupt blood circulation and cause tissue death.

You should stop taking birth control pills, aspirin, and vitamin E 10 days before and after surgery because they increase the risk of bleeding.
Post-Surgery Recovery Process and Things to Consider
You can start consuming liquid food and walking around your room 3-4 hours after the surgery.

Even if you have mild pain on the first night, it can be easily controlled with simple painkillers.

You may receive serum, analgesic and antibiotic treatment for support during hospitalization.

Usually, drains are removed and the patient is discharged after being monitored the next day. In some cases, drains can be kept for 1-2 days if necessary.

When you return home, you should consume plenty of liquid food, use recommended antibiotics and painkillers, and wear your special bra without removing it.

You may have mild pain when you move or cough for the first few days, but it will improve with daily painkillers.

There will be a bra-like bandage on your breasts. A thin tube (drain) is placed on the side of the breasts to collect any blood and fluid that may accumulate in them. Drains will be removed in 1-2 days. Resting for 3 days after surgery will speed up your recovery.

On the 5th day, your dressing will be removed and the dressing will be applied. Dissolvable stitches that do not need to be removed are often used. If non-dissolvable stitches are used, they will be removed after the 10th day. The parts where the stitches were removed should not be exposed to the sun for 6 months.

After the surgery, it is recommended to use a special firming bra (sports bra) for 3 to 4 weeks, which may take longer depending on your doctor's recommendation.

Avoiding any activity that requires frequent arm movements and any body movement that causes you pain will increase your recovery speed.

You can take a bath 3-4 days after the surgery. You can return to your normal activities within a week.

Bruises that may occur in the early period will heal spontaneously after a week and there may still be swelling after 2-3 weeks. It takes approximately 3 months for the swelling due to the surgery to completely subside and the breasts to take their final shape.
What are the Risks of Breast Lift Surgery?
As with any surgery, rare risk factors may occur after surgery. Your surgeon will take all necessary precautions to avoid these surgical risks.

However, despite these precautions, in rare cases, complications such as bleeding, infection, fat necrosis, delayed wound healing, loss of sensation in the nipple, allergic reaction, significant surgical scar, and problems related to general and local anesthesia may develop.

Factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease are also among the factors that increase the risk of surgery-related complications.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lift Surgery
Are There Any Scars After the Operation?
The scars left after breast reduction surgery are initially red and later turn purple and pink. They largely disappear 6 months to a year after surgery. Most of the time they are barely visible. According to our observations, none of the people who were satisfied with the new appearance of their breasts complained about the remaining scar.

Hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation are associated with a hereditary predisposition, and people with this condition whose wounds heal with excessive scarring should warn their doctors so that they can plan different procedures to reduce the scarring that may occur after surgery.
Should I Have Breast Lift or Breast Lift + Breast Implant?
If you have sagging breasts that do not have the required volume, breast lift surgery alone will not be sufficient. In this case, breast implants will be used to add volume in addition to breast lift surgery.
Can I Have Both Breast Enlargement and Breast Lift Surgery?
If necessary, breast lift and breast augmentation surgery can be performed during the same operation. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) alone may not be sufficient to give the breast a fuller appearance. In this case, an appropriate amount of breast implant is placed in the pocket prepared behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle, in the same session or at least 6 months after the breast lift surgery.
What Kind of Scars Are Left in Breast Reduction or Lift Surgery?
Certain scars will definitely remain in breast reduction and lift surgeries. The simplest reason for this is that, when moving the sagging nipple to its new location, a scar must be added to the nipple and extending from the nipple to the lower breast groove. In addition, in patients where the skin is very abundant in the lower part of the breast, a scar may need to be added to the lower part of the breast. This incision scar is called a reverse t scar.
Can I Breastfeed My Baby After Breast Reduction and Lift Surgery? Will My Milk Come?
Breastfeeding after breast reduction and lift surgery has been investigated in many studies. First of all, women with large and sagging breasts have less milk-yielding capacity than women of medium and small size who do not have sagging. So having big breasts will not guarantee milk production. In breast reduction surgeries, the active parts of the mammary glands are preserved and their relationship with the nipple is not interrupted. For this reason, there is no reason for patients who have had breast reduction or lift to not breastfeed, and their breastfeeding is supported by us. However, just as a woman who has never had surgery cannot breastfeed, a woman who has had surgery may also not be able to breastfeed. There is no guarantee in this situation.

If you want to breastfeed, we should definitely talk about this with the surgeon before the surgery.
Is Non-Surgical Breast Lift Possible?
There is no permanent breast lift method without surgery. Applying cream to the surface, massaging, or exercising the chest muscle will not help improve sagging breasts or breast volume.
What Can I Do to Make My Scars Remain Less?
The first thing to do is not to smoke. In addition, keeping the wound areas moist with moisturizing creams increases the efficiency of wound healing. Another precaution is to prevent the wound areas from exposure to the sun or solarium. During the healing period, wound areas exposed to sunlight may darken and this may persist permanently. This period of attention is three months. In addition, using creams recommended by doctors that are thought to reduce scarring, twice a day for three months, starting on the 15th day of surgery, will support wound healing. Another support system is the use of silicone sheets in patients who need it. Although these layers are not necessary for every patient, they help reduce scars in necessary patients.
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